Growing up in Queens, I can’t count the number of hours I spent on the E, F, V, G and R trains. A fair bit of that time was late at night, coming from or going to parties hosted by high school buddies all along the lines. The stillness of the stations at night was always a little creepy. This was, late 1980s, early 1990s NYC: statistically one of the highest crime periods in city history.
Just beyond the platform ends, there was calm. Solitude. Darkness and a world—one filled with it’s own inherit dangers—yet one devoid of humans. On many a night, given the choice between standing as mugger bait on an empty platform, or venturing into the darkness, the darkness won.
This photo set was shot between 169th street and Parsons Blvd on the F line, using my trusty Canon AE-1 and a roll of Fuji Superia 100.